javiert@alais:~/Dropbox/materia/practica1$ root root [0] root [0] root [0] root [0] root [0] int a root [1] a = 5 (const int)5 root [2] root [2] cout << a 5(class ostream)140671492376288 root [3] root [3] cout << a << endl 5 (class ostream)140671492376288 root [4] cout << a << endl << endl 5 (class ostream)140671492376288 root [5] root [5] cout << a+2 << endl << endl 7 (class ostream)140671492376288 root [6] TCanvas c root [7] root [7] TF1 f( TF1 TF1() TF1 TF1(const char* name, const char* formula, Double_t xmin = 0, Double_t xmax = 1) TF1 TF1(const char* name, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar) TF1 TF1(const char* name, void* fcn, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar) TF1 TF1(const char* name, ROOT::Math::ParamFunctor f, Double_t xmin = 0, Double_t xmax = 1, Int_t npar = 0) TF1 TF1(const char* name, void* ptr, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar, const char* className) TF1 TF1(const char* name, void* ptr, void*, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar, const char* className, const char* methodName = 0) TF1 TF1(const TF1& f1) root [7] TF1 f("f","x*x+5",-7,5.87642) root [8] f.Draw() Info in : created default TCanvas with name c1 root [9] f.Eval(2.3) (const Double_t)1.02899999999999991e+01 root [10] root [10] f.Integral( Double_t Integral(Double_t a, Double_t b, const Double_t* params = 0, Double_t epsilon = 1e-12) Double_t Integral(Double_t ax, Double_t bx, Double_t ay, Double_t by, Double_t epsilon = 1e-12) Double_t Integral(Double_t ax, Double_t bx, Double_t ay, Double_t by, Double_t az, Double_t bz, Double_t epsilon = 1e-12) root [10] f.Integral(-3,1) (Double_t)2.93333333333333393e+01 root [11] root [11] TF1 r0("r0","1/[0] * 1/sqrt([1] *pow(1+x, 3) + 1-[1])", 0, 2) root [12] root [12] r0.Draw() root [13] root [13] r0.SetParameter( void SetParameter(const char* name, Double_t parvalue) void SetParameter(Int_t ipar, Double_t parvalue) root [13] r0.SetParameter(0,70) root [14] r0.SetParameter(1,0.4) root [15] r0.Draw() Info in : created default TCanvas with name c1 root [16] TF1 dr0_dz("dr0_dz","1/[0] * 1/sqrt([1] *pow(1+x, 3) + 1-[1])", 0, 2) root [17] root [17] dr0_dz.SetParameter(0,70) root [18] dr0_dz.SetParameter(1,0.4) root [19] root [19] root [19] root [19] dr0_dz.Draw() root [20] root [20] root [20] dr0_dz.Integral(0,0.7) (Double_t)8.00686335143963729e-03 root [21] root [21] root [21] TGraph g root [22] root [22] root [22] g.SetPoint( void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y) root [22] g.SetPoint(0, 2, 5) root [23] g.SetPoint(1, 3, 7) root [24] g.SetPoint(2, 4, 11) root [25] root [25] g.Draw("ap*") root [26] g.Draw("al") root [27] g.Draw("alp*") root [28] g.Draw("ap*") root [29] g.Draw("ap") root [30] g.Draw("ap") Info in : created default TCanvas with name c1 root [31] g.Draw("ap*") root [32] TF1 fAjuste("fAjuste","[0]+[1]*x",0,10) root [33] root [33] g.Fi FindObject FindObject Fit Fit FitPanel FillBuffer root [33] g.Fit Fit Fit FitPanel root [33] g.Fit( TFitResultPtr Fit(const char* formula, Option_t* option = "", Option_t* goption = "", Axis_t xmin = 0, Axis_t xmax = 0) // *MENU* TFitResultPtr Fit(TF1* f1, Option_t* option = "", Option_t* goption = "", Axis_t xmin = 0, Axis_t xmax = 0) root [33] g.Fit(fAjuste) Error: Can't call TGraph::Fit(fAjuste) in current scope (tmpfile):1: Possible candidates are... (in TGraph) /home/javiert/Soft/root/lib/libHist.so -1:-1 0 public: virtual TFitResultPtr TGraph::Fit(const char* formula,Option_t* option="",Option_t* goption="",Axis_t xmin=0,Axis_t xmax=0); //*MENU* /home/javiert/Soft/root/lib/libHist.so -1:-1 0 public: virtual TFitResultPtr TGraph::Fit(TF1* f1,Option_t* option="",Option_t* goption="",Axis_t xmin=0,Axis_t xmax=0); *** Interpreter error recovered *** root [34] g.Fit(&fAjuste) **************************************** Minimizer is Minuit / Migrad Chi2 = 0.666667 NDf = 1 Edm = 2.82429e-23 NCalls = 31 p0 = -1.33333 +/- 1.79505 p1 = 3 +/- 0.57735 (class TFitResultPtr)49715872 root [35] root [35] root [35] root [35] root [35] g.Draw("ap*") root [36] g.Draw("ap*") Info in : created default TCanvas with name c1 root [37] root [37] root [37] root [37] root [37] root [37] g.Fit(&fAjuste) **************************************** Minimizer is Minuit / Migrad Chi2 = 0.666667 NDf = 1 Edm = 5.5267e-23 NCalls = 24 p0 = -1.33333 +/- 1.79505 p1 = 3 +/- 0.57735 (class TFitResultPtr)50678912 root [38] TGraphE TGraphEditor TGraphErrors root [38] TGraphErrors ge root [39] root [39] ge.SetPoint(0,1,3) root [40] ge.SetPointError(0,0,0.2) root [41] root [41] ge.Draw("ap*") root [42] ge.SetPoint(2,2,5.1) root [43] ge.SetPoint(1,2,5.1) root [44] ge.SetPointError(1,0,0.3) root [45] ge.SetPoint(2,3,6.8) root [46] ge.SetPointError(2,0,0.1) root [47] ge.Draw("ap*") root [48] ge.Fi FindObject FindObject Fit Fit FitPanel FillBuffer root [48] ge.Fit Fit Fit FitPanel root [48] ge.Fit(&fAjuste) FCN=0.390244 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 32 CALLS 33 TOTAL EDM=1.96518e-22 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 p0 1.15366e+00 2.91757e-01 4.93479e-05 -1.29363e-10 2 p1 1.88537e+00 1.09322e-01 1.84907e-05 -4.80337e-10 (class TFitResultPtr)56817152 root [49]