Bibliografía Principal
- Atoms, molecules and photons: An introduction to atomic-, molecular- and quantum-physics, Wolfgang Demtröder – Springer (2005)
- Quantum and Atom Optics, Steck
- The physics of atoms and quanta, Hanken & Wolf
- Molecular Quantum Mechanics, P. W. Atkins.
- Modern Quantum Chemistry, Attila Szabo – Neil S. Ostlund.
Bibliografía Adicional
- Atomic physics: An exploration through problems and solutions, Dmitry Budker, Derek Kimball, David DeMille – Oxford University Press (2010)
- Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics. R. Mc Weeney and B. T.
- Sutcliffe. Academic Press, New York (1992).
- Físico-Química, P. W. Atkins.
- Molecular Physics and Elements of Quantum Chemistry, Haken Wolf.
- Quantum Mechanics, C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu y F. Laloe (Wesley, 1977)
- Paul A. M. Dirac The Principles of Quantum Mechanics Fourth Edition, Revised 1967
- Quantum mechanics: non-relativistic quantum theory, Landau y Lifshitz
Enlaces útiles
- Density Functional Theory, R. M. Dreizler y F. K. U. Gross, Springer Verlag, 1990.
- Molecular electronic-structure theory. T. Helgaker, P. Jøsen y J. Olsen, Wiley and Sons, 2000.
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