% Potential and Electric Field in [2D] region % Model of a short capacitor % Figure 6: Electric field lines % need to be careful with number of streamlines and their % starting positions ===> % Density of electric lines proportion to strength of electric field clear all close all clc tic % ======================================================================== % INPUTS % ======================================================================== % Number of grid point [N = 10001] N = 1001; % Number of charges NQ = 100; % Charge Q0 = 10e-6; % Radius of circular charged conductor; a = 0.05; % X & Y components of position of charges [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] x1 = -1; x2 = 1; y1 = -0.5; y2 = 0.5; % constants eps0 = 8.854e-12; kC = 1/(4*pi*eps0); % Dimensions of region / saturation levels % dimensions of region -2 to 2 / minR = 1e-6 / Esat = 1e6 / Vsat = 1e6] minX = -2; maxX = 2; minY = -2; maxY = 2; minR = 1e-6; minRx = 1e-6; minRy = 1e-6; Vsat = kC * max(abs(Q0)) / a; Esat = kC * max(abs(Q0)) / a^2; Vsat = 1e7; Esat = 1e8; % ======================================================================= % SETUP % ======================================================================= % Charges Q = -Q0 .* ones(1,NQ); Q(1+NQ/2:NQ) = Q0; xC(1:NQ/2) = linspace(x1,x2,NQ/2); xC(1+NQ/2:NQ) = linspace(x1,x2,NQ/2); yC(1:NQ/2) = y1; yC(1+NQ/2:NQ) = y2; % Fields V = zeros(N,N); Ex = zeros(N,N); Ey = zeros(N,N); % [2D] region x = linspace(minX,maxX,N); y = linspace(minY, maxY,N); % Color of charged object + red / - black col1 = [1 0 0]; col2 = [0 0 0]; % Grid positions [xG, yG] = meshgrid(x,y); % ======================================================================= % CALCULATION: POTENTIAL & ELECTRIC FIELD % ======================================================================= for n = 1 : NQ Rx = xG - xC(n); Ry = yG - yC(n); index = find(abs(Rx)+ abs(Ry) == 0); Rx(index) = minRx; Ry(index) = minRy; R = sqrt(Rx.^2 + Ry.^2); R(R==0) = minR; V = V + kC .* Q(n) ./ (R); R3 = R.^3; Ex = Ex + kC .* Q(n) .* Rx ./ R3; Ey = Ey + kC .* Q(n) .* Ry ./ R3; end if max(max(V)) >= Vsat; V(V > Vsat) = Vsat; end; if min(min(V)) <= -Vsat; V(V < -Vsat) = -Vsat; end; E = sqrt(Ex.^2 + Ey.^2); if max(max(E)) >= Esat; E(E > Esat) = Esat; end; if min(min(E)) <= -Esat; E(E < -Esat) = -Esat; end; if max(max(Ex)) >= Esat; Ex(Ex > Esat) = Esat; end; if min(min(Ex)) <= -Esat; Ex(Ex < -Esat) = -Esat; end; if max(max(Ey)) >= Esat; Ey(Ey > Esat) = Esat; end; if min(min(Ey)) <= -Esat; Ey(Ey < -Esat) = -Esat; end; % ======================================================================= % GRAPHICS % ======================================================================= %% figure(1) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.01 0.52 0.23 0.32]); surf(xG,yG,V./1e6); xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('y [m]'); zlabel('V [ V ]'); title('potential','fontweight','normal'); rotate3d view(76,32); set(gca,'fontsize',12) set(gca,'xLim',[-2, 2]); set(gca,'yLim',[-2, 2]); shading interp; h = colorbar; % h.Label.String = 'V [ MV ]'; % colormap(parula); axis square box on %% figure(2) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.25 0.52 0.23 0.32]); zP = V./1e6; contourf(xG,yG,zP,16); hold on % charged conductors col = col2; for n = 1:NQ/2 pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end col = col1; for n = 1+NQ/2:NQ pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('y [m]'); title('potential','fontweight','normal'); % shading interp h = colorbar; % h.Label.String = 'V [ MV ]'; % colormap(parula); set(gca,'fontsize',12); axis square box on %% figure(3) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.49 0.52 0.23 0.32]); c = 0; yStep = zeros(1,5); for n = ceil(N/2) : ceil(N/10): N % for n = [1 11 21 31 41 51] xP = xG(n,:); yP = V(n,:)./1e6; plot(xP,yP,'linewidth',2); hold on c = c+1; yStep(c) = yG(n,1); end %tt = num2str(yStep,2); %tm1 = 'y = '; %tm2 = tt; %tm = [tm1 tm2]; tm = 'Potential profiles for different y values'; xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('V [ MV ]'); set(gca,'fontsize',12) h_title = title(tm); set(h_title,'fontsize',12,'FontWeight','normal'); %set(gca,'xTick',-5:5); tm1 = num2str(yStep(1),2); tm2 = num2str(yStep(2),2); tm3 = num2str(yStep(3),2); tm4 = num2str(yStep(4),2); tm5 = num2str(yStep(5),2); %tm6 = num2str(yStep(6),3); h = legend(tm1,tm2,tm3,tm4,tm5,'Orientation','horizontal'); set(h,'Location','northOutside'); % %% figure(4) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.73 0.52 0.23 0.32]); c = 0; yStep = zeros(1,5); for n = ceil(N/2) : ceil(N/10): N % for n = [1 11 21 31 41 51] xP = xG(n,:); yP = E(n,:)./1e6; plot(xP,yP,'linewidth',2); hold on c = c+1; yStep(c) = yG(n,1); end xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('| E | [ MV/m ]'); tm = '| E | profiles for different y values'; h = title(tm); set(h,'fontsize',12,'FontWeight','normal'); tm1 = num2str(yStep(1),2); tm2 = num2str(yStep(2),2); tm3 = num2str(yStep(3),2); tm4 = num2str(yStep(4),2); tm5 = num2str(yStep(5),2); h = legend(tm1,tm2,tm3,tm4,tm5); set(h,'Orientation','horizontal','Location','northOutside'); set(gca,'fontsize',12); box on; %% figure(5) set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.01 0.1 0.23 0.32]); surf(xG,yG,E./1e6); xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('y [m]'); zlabel('E [ V / m ]'); title('electric field | E |','fontweight','normal'); colorbar shading interp h = colorbar; % h.Label.String = '| E | [ MV/m ]'; rotate3d view(30,50); axis square set(gca,'fontsize',12) box on a=0 if a==1 %% figure(6) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.25 0.1 0.23 0.32]); contourf(xG,yG,V./1e6,12) xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('y [m]'); title('potential','fontweight','normal'); hold on % Electric field lines p3 = Ex; p4 = Ey; dx = xC(2)-xC(1); sx = -1.2:0.2:1.2; L = length(sx); sy = 0.45 .* ones(L,1); h = streamline(xG,yG,p3,p4,sx,sy); set(h,'linewidth',2,'color',[1 1 1]); sy = 0.55 .* ones(L,1); h = streamline(xG,yG,p3,p4,sx,sy); set(h,'linewidth',2,'color',[1 1 1]); sy = -0.55 .* ones(L,1); h = streamline(xG,yG,-p3,-p4,sx,sy); set(h,'linewidth',2,'color',[1 1 1]); % charged conductors col = col2; for n = 1:NQ/2 pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end col = col1; for n = 1+NQ/2:NQ pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end shading interp h = colorbar; h.Label.String = 'V [ MV ]'; h = colormap('parula'); beta = 0.5; brighten(h,beta); set(gca,'xLim',[minX,maxX]); set(gca,'yLim', [minY, maxY]); axis square; box on; %% figure(7) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.49 0.1 0.23 0.32]); pcolor(xG,yG,E./1e6); xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('y [m]'); title('electric field | E | ','fontweight','normal'); % charged conductors col = col2; for n = 1:NQ/2 pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end col = col1; for n = 1+NQ/2:NQ pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end shading interp h = colorbar; h.Label.String = '|E| [ MV/m ]'; axis square set(gca,'fontsize',12) box on endif %% figure(8) % set(gcf,'units','normalized','position',[0.73 0.1 0.23 0.32]); hold on index1 = 51 : 50 : 951; index1 = [index1 500 502]; index2 = index1; p1 = xG(index1, index2); p2 = yG(index1, index2); % scaling of electric field lines: unit length p3 = Ex(index1, index2)./(E(index1,index2)); p4 = Ey(index1, index2)./(E(index1,index2)); h = quiver(p1,p2,p3,p4,'autoscalefactor',0.8); set(h,'color',[0 0 1],'linewidth',1.2) hold on % charged conductors col = col2; for n = 1:NQ/2 pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end col = col1; for n = 1+NQ/2:NQ pos = [-a+xC(n), -a+yC(n), 2*a, 2*a]; h = rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1,1]); set(h,'FaceColor',col,'EdgeColor',col); end xlabel('x [m]'); ylabel('y [m]'); title('direction of scaled E at grid points','fontweight','normal'); set(gca,'xLim',[-2,2]); set(gca,'yLim', [-2, 2]); axis([-2 2 -2 2]); axis equal box on