Bibliografía Básica
Crawford F., Ondas, Vol. 3 de Berkeley Physics Course, Reverté, 1971
French A. P., Vibraciones y Ondas, Ed. Reverté, 2000
Hecht E., Óptica, 3ra. edición, Addison Wesley, 2000
Jenkins F. A. y H.E. White, Fundamentos de Óptica, Aguilar, 1964
Longhurst R.S., Geometrical and Physical Optics, Longman, 1973
Martínez O. E., Ondas: es física
Bibliografía Complementaria
Main I.G., Vibrations and waves in physics, Cambridge University Press, 1998
Nettel S., Wave Physics (oscillations-solitons-chaos), Springer-Verlag, 1997
Roederer J. G., The Physics and Psychophysics of Music, Springer-Verlag, 1995
Artículos interesantes
Elliot, Nonlinear resonance in vibrating strings, Am. J. of Physics 50, 1148 (1982)
Griffiths and Steinke. Waves in locally periodic media, Am. J. of Physics 69, 137 (2001)
Parmley et al., Vibrational properties of a loaded string, Am. J. of Physics 63, 547 (1995)