Sobre Python:
- Por qué usar Python en ciencia (una selección de artículos aparecidos recientemente en Nature):
- Data explorer: IPython Notebook; en “Ten computer codes that transformed science” (Nature 2021)
- SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python (Nature 2020)
- Why Jupyter is data scientists’ computational notebook of choice (Nature 2018)
- Programming: pick up Python (Nature 2015)
- Interactive notebooks: Sharing the code (Nature 2014)
Sobre el cuaderno de laboratorio:
- How to keep a lab notebook (Science 2019).
- How to pick an electronic laboratory notebook (Nature 2018).
- Research tools: Jump off the page (Nature 2014).
- Laboratory notebooks in the digital era: the role of ELNs in record keeping for chemistry and other sciences (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013)