
Bibliografía sobre tratamiento de datos y procesos estocásticos en física experimental

1) Don S. Lenon “ An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Physics”, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

2) Bevington, Philip R.; Robinson, D. Keith, “Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences”. 2nd. ed, 1992.

3) Gerhard Bohm and Günter Zech, “Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis for Physicists”, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Verlag), 2010.

4) Gopal K. Kanji “100 statistical Tests”, 3rd. edition, Sage Publications, 2006. Link para descargarlo.

Experimentos (general). 

5)Melissinos, Adrian Constantin – Napolitano, Jim, Experiments in modern physics. — 2nd. ed. — San Diego : Academic Press, 2003.

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