
  • Networks, Crowds and Markets, D.Easley & J.Kleinberg, Cambridge University Press 2010 [ link ]
  • Networks. An introduction,M.E.J.Newman, Oxford University Press 2010.
  • Network Science, A. Barabasi [ link ]


  • Biomolecular Networks, L.Chen, R.S.Wang & X.S. Zhang, Wiley 2009
  • Community detection in graphs, S.Fortunato, Physics Reports 486 2010.
  • Network Analysis. Methodological Foundations, U.Brandes, T.Erlebach (eds) Springer 2005
  • Recommender Systems, L.Lu et al, Physics Report 519 2012
  • Semi-supervised Learning, O.Chapelle, B.Scholkopf, A.Zien (eds) Mit Press 2010.
  • Statistical mechanics of complex networks, R.Albert & A.L.Barabasi, Rev.Mod.Phys 2002
  • Structure in complex networks, J.Reichardt, Springer 2009


  • Repositorio papers  [link]
  • Repositorio de datos y redes [ link ]
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