Cronograma de charlas

Jueves 27/6

Joaquin Ganly Quantum decoherence of phonons in Bose-Einstein condensates
Lionel Martinez El acoplamiento bosonico mas alla de la RWA para un kerr cat qubit
Gonzalo Santa Cruz Moreno Decoherencia en Inflación (Generación de inhomogeneidades clásicas)
Nicolas Alvez Dynamical phases for the evolution of the entanglement between two oscillators coupled to the same environment
Ignacio Pablo Hernando Decoherence and dissipation of a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to two-level systems
Maximiliano Gandini An Intrinsic Limit to Quantum Coherence due to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
Marcos Sidoruk Control of decoherence: Analysis and comparison of three different strategies.

Lunes 1/7

Nicolas Molina Comparing the decoherence effects due to black holes versus ordinary matter
Maximiliano Drelewicz Dissipation and Dephasing of Interacting Phtonos in Transmon Arrays
Sebastian Francisquez Validez de la aproximación de born-markov para sistemas de uno y dos qubit
Manuel Racca Speed limit for open quantum systems
Nicolas Ciancaglini Deconstructing decoherence
Martín Alí Thermodynamics of decoherence
Ethel Beer Fast thermometry for trapped ions using dark resonances





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