Prof. Jorge Miraglia
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D.J. Griffiths.
- Introductory Quantum Mechanics, R.L. Liboff.
- Quantum Mechanics, Vols. I and II, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu and Franck Laloë.
- Physics of Atoms and Molecules, B. H. Brandsen and C. J. Joachain.
- Modern Quantum Mechanics, J.J Sakurai.
- Quantum Mechanics: A Modern and Concise Introductory Course, Daniel Bes.
Otras Referencias Recomendadas
- The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, P.A.M. Dirac.
- Quantum Mechanics, Eugen Merzbacher.
- Mecánica cuántica, teoría no relativista, Lew Landau and E.M. Lifshitz.
- The Quantum Mechanics Solver, Jean–Louis Basdevant and Jean Dalibard.
- Theory and Problems of Quantum Mechanics (Schaum’s Series), Yoav Peleg, Reuven Pnini, and Elyahu Zaarur.
- Computational Physics, Joseph M. Thijssen.
Lecturas Auxiliares Recomendadas
- Constants and Conversion Factors, Chem Viz.
- Atomic Units, by Michal Jaszunski, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland.
- The Formation and Logic of Quantum Mechanics, by Mituo Taketani & Masayuki Nagasaki.
- Visual Schrödinger, by Kevin Schmidt and Michael Lee.
- Applet de Pozo de Potencial, por Angel Franco García, Universidad del País Vasco.
- Werner Heisenberg and the Uncertainty Principle - Exhibit from the American Institute of Physics.
- Understanding Heisenberg’s “magical” paper, by I.R. Aitchison et al..
- Erwin Schrödinger’s original paper.
- Applet de Estados Coherentes del Oscilador Armónico, by L. Kochbach, Universitetet i Bergen.
- Fisica Moderna, by Decio Cocolicchio.
- Sixty Years of Quantum Physics, by Edward Condon.
- Measurement in quantum mechanics FAQ - Maintained by Paul Budnik.
- The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001.
- Bose-Einstein condensation at JILA.
- Is the moon there when nobody looks?. Reality and the quantum theory,
N. David Mermin, Physics Today, pg. 38 (April 1985).
- Tabla de Coeficientes de Clebsch-Gordan.
- Mean values rk for Hydrogen-like atoms, Qiang and Dong, Phys. Scripta 70, 276 (2004).
- Mathematica package intEPFFLL.m, for Hydrogenic mean values, Wen Chao Qiang.
- Observation of Neutron phase shift, Werner, Colella, Overhauser and Eagen, PRL 35, 1053 (1975).