Trabajos Computacionales
- Introducción a Unix
- Introducción a Mathematica [HTML]
Paquetes de Onda [HTML] - La ecuación de Schrödinger: Pozo infinito [HTML]
La ecuación de Schrödinger: Estados Ligados [HTML] - La ecuación de Schrödinger: Pozo finito [HTML]
La ecuación de Schrödinger: oscilador armónico [HTML]
La ecuación de Schrödinger: estados contínuos [HTML]
Dinámica Cuántica [HTML] - Operadores de Creación y aniquilación [HTML]
Estados Coherentes [HTML]
Lecturas Auxiliares Recomendadas
- How Car Engines Work.
- The Otto Engine – Institute of Technical Chemistry,
University of Leipzig, Germany. - Interactive Physics Demo: The Carnot Engine.
- Interactive Physics Demo: The Diesel Engine.
- Diagramas de fase de substancias puras
by Scott Campbell, University of South Florida. - Brief Review of the Kinetic Theory of Gases,
by Michael Fowler. - Thermodynamics of blackbody radiation, by R. Kelly.
- Teaching the photon gas in introductory physics,
by H.S. Leff. - Black Body Radiation, by Michael Fowler.
- Learning by Simulations: Radiation of a Black Body,
by Hans Lohninger.
El programa de simulation se puede ejecutar
aquí. - The Formation and Logic of Quantum Mechanics,
by Mituo Taketani & Masayuki Nagasaki. - On an improvement of Wien’s equation for the spectrum,
Max Planck’s original paper (1900):
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3 - Constants and Conversion Factors, Chem Viz.
- Atomic Units, by Michal Jaszunski, Institute of Organic
Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland. - The Physicists’ world in 1895
(del libro de Segre). - Millikan’s original paper about determination of Planck’s constant.
- Sixty Years of Quantum Physics, by Edward Condon.
- The Bohr Atom, by Michael Fowler.
- Werner Heisenberg and the Uncertainty Principle -
Exhibit from the American Institute of Physics. - Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland, extracted by Jace Harker.
- Understanding Heisenberg’s “magical” paper.
- Erwin Schrödinger’s original paper.
- Dynamics of quantum collapse in energy measurements,
by U. Tambini, C. Presilla and R. Onofrio. - The Simple Harmonic Oscillator, by Michael Fowler.
- Applet de Estados Coherentes del Oscilador Armónico,
by L. Kochbach, Universitetet i Bergen. - Applet de Pozo de Potencial, por Angel Franco García,
Universidad del País Vasco. - Física Moderna, by Decio Cocolicchio.