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Para aprender mas de Python

Y además, antes de que empiece GoT, les dejo unos videos que no solo dan codigo sino opiniones.
  • Python’s Class Development Toolkit by Raymond Hettinger
    This is a short, but thorough tutorial on the Python’s built-in toolset for creating classes. We look at commonly encountered challenges and how to solve them using Python.
  • Beyond PEP 8 — Best practices for beautiful intelligible code by Raymond Hettinger
    Distillation of knowledge gained from a decade of Python consulting, Python training, code reviews, and serving as a core developer. Learn to avoid some of the hazards of the PEP 8 style guide and learn what really matters for creating beautiful intelligible code.
  • Super considered super! by Raymond Hettinger
    Python’s super() is well-designed and powerful, but it can be tricky to use if you don’t know all the moves.

(es posible que encuentren algunos ejemplos en Python 2 que no es exactamente igual a Python 3, pero los conceptos se mantienent)