
    • Bevington, Philip R.; Robinson, D. Keith, Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences. WCB McGraw-Hill 2nd. ed, 1992.  Disponible en la Biblioteca Central.
    • Baird, David Carr; Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Experimentation: an introduction to measurement theory and experiment design,  Prentice-Hall, 1995. Disponible en la Biblioteca Central.
    • Purcell, Edward M., Electricidad y magnetismo, Berkeley physics course, vol 2., Reverte 1992. Disponible en la Biblioteca Central.
    • Harnwell, Gaylord Probasco, Principios de electricidad y electromagnetismo. Madrid: Selecciones Científicas, Disponible en Biblioteca Central
    • Horowitz, Paul, and Winfield Hill. “The art of electronics. 2nd.” Published by the Press Syndicate of the (1989).
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