Prof. Marzocca A.
- The Physics of Polymers, G.Strobl, Ed. Springer.
- Polymer Physics, M.Rubinstein y R.H.Colby, Oxford
- Polymeric Liquids & Networks: Structure and Properties, W.W.Graeslley, Ed. Garland Science.
- Introducción a la Química de Polímeros, R.Seymour y C,Carraher, Ed. Reverté.
- Physical Polymer Science, L.H.Sperling, Ed. Wiley-Interscience.
- Principles of Polymer Engineering, N.G.McCrum, C.P.Buckley and C.B.Bucknall,Oxford Science Publications.
- Introduction to Polymer Physiscs, M.Doi,Oxford Science Publications.
- Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, J.Ferry , Ed.Wiley
- Statistical Mechanics of Chain Molecules, P.Flory, Interscience Pu.