Bibliografía principal
- B. Schutz, “Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics”, Cambridge University Press (1980).
- B. Schutz, “A first course in General Relativity” (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press (2009).
- Ta-Pei Cheng, “Relativity, gravitation and cosmology: a basic introduction” (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press (2010).
- S. M. Carroll, “Spacetime and geometry. An introduction to General Relativity”, Addison Wesley (2004).
Bibliografía complementaria
- G. t’Hooft, “Introduction to General Relativity”, (2010)
- E. Poisson, “An advanced course in general relativity” (2002).
- J. Hartle, “Gravity: An introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity”, Addison Wesley (2003).
- H. Stephani, “Relativity: An introduction to Special and General Relativity” (3rd ed.), Cambridge University Press (2004).
- R. Wald, “General Relativity”, The University of Chicago Press (1984).
- S. Weinberg, “Gravitation and Cosmology: principles and applications of the General Theory of Relativity”, John Wiley & Sons (1972).
- C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne and J. A. Wheeler, “Gravitation”, W. H, Freeman and Company (1973).
- L. D. Landau y E. M. Lifshitz, “Teoría Clásica de Campos” (2da ed.), Reverté (1992); “The classical theory of fields” (4th ed.), Butterworth-Heinemann (1980).
- P. Schneider, J. Ehlers y E.E. Falco, Gravitational Lenses, Springer (1992).
- H. Flanders, “Differential Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences”, Dover (1989).
- C. von Westenholz, “Differential Forms in Mathematical Physics”, North Holland (1978).
- M. Gasperini, “Theory of Gravitational Interactions”, Springer (2017)
- R. Ferraro, “El espacio-tiempo de Einstein” (2da ed), Ediciones Cooperativas (2008); “Einstein’s Space-Time: An Introduction to Special and General Relativity”, Springer (2007).
Material adicional
Notas sobre Relatividad Especial
- R. Ferraro, “Relatividad Especial” [pdf]
- R. Ferraro, “From æther theory to Special Relativity”, Capítulo 1 de “Springer Handbook of Spacetime“, A. Ashtekar y V.Petkov (eds.), Springer-Verlag GmbH (Heidelberg, 2014), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41992-8_1. Versión preliminar aquí.